About Me

My Johnny
My Services
My Clients

I am a professional web development and well trained in one of the best IT institutions at N.I.I.T. has illuminated me in various ways and has helped me become one of the best web designers in Nigeria.

Having designed several different front-end and back-end websites ranging from several categories at all levels, I am also well knowledgeable in using UI/UX tools like Adobe XD for my website prototypes.

I also specialize in search engine optimization, offering web deployments and advanced technical writing skills for client websites that are designed to keep them happy.

My Resume

In my role as a web developer, I specialize in utilizing problem-solving techniques. I possess a strong proficiency in leveraging ICT to enhance safety and operational efficiency. Additionally, I excel at collaborating with teams to brainstorm and whiteboard concepts, create wiredraws at various fidelity levels, prototype ideas, and proficiently work on both front-end and back-end coding. I enjoy collaborating with developers to bring innovative ideas to fruition.

Areas Of Experience
Web Optimization
Ui Design
Machine Learning
2018 - 2019
IT Training in Web Development
National institute of information & Technology (N.I.I.T),
2014 - 2016
Diploma in Maritime Studies & ICT
University of Benin
2017 - On-going
Mechanical Engineering
University of Benin
Bank card Management App

I was recognized by  freebiesupply for the best UI design card to be created.

2019 - Present
NeverFailsOil&Gas Ltd
Web Designer

Responsible for working on a range of projects, designing appealing websites and interacting on a daily basis with graphic designers.

Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (N.P.D.C)
I.T Engineering Maintenance

During my time here, I worked as an intern, where I was able to acquire the skills and knowledge field of mechanical engineering.

2020 - 2023
Deluxe Crypto Coin
Web Designer

Creating and maintaining cohesive UI/UX design specifications, developing consistent websites across all properties, and performing maintenance and updates on company website.

Download CV
Programming languages

HTML&CSS(sass), Tailwind, Bootstrap, JavaScript, TypeScript Next.js(ShadCn), React


PHP(Laravel, Symfony), MySQL(Database),Node.js, MangoDB(Database), Python

UI Design

AdobeXD, Figma, Adobe Illustrator

Machine Learning

R, Python, JavaScript,Julia

Supportive Applications

Visual Studio Code, Postman, Notion, Github, Git Desktop, Microsoft Applications, XAMMP, JetBrains(pyCharm)