Gas Station

Year Created 2022
Programming Languages HTML&CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Google(plugins), social media(plugins)
Service FrontEnd ( Live Project)
Project Goal

The goal was to create an informative and visually appealing website to promote Never Fails Oil and Gas Limited's services, increase online visibility, and attract potential clients.

Never Fails Oil and Gas Limited is a Nigerian company specializing in petroleum product storage and retail sales, registered under the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 1990. Established in 2014, the company began operations in 2019, focusing on petroleum products marketing. Their diverse business activities include oil field services, petroleum exploration, general contracts, telecommunications services, and more.

Features Implementation:

Home Page: Showcase company overview and services offered.

Services Page: Detailed information about the various services provided.

Blog Page: Engaging content about the company and industry updates.

Contact Page: Contact form, address details, and Google Map integration.

Terms and Conditions Pages: Clearly outlined legal terms for users' reference.

Results and Future Prospects:

Resulted in a functional website for the company. Future prospects include developing a hotel company website, as form of a expansion of the company.


Challenges include Google Ads suspension during COVID, impacting revenue generation.