
Year Created 2022
Programming Languages HTML&CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP(CodeIgniter), MySQL
Service BackEnd
Project Goal

The main goal was to develop feature-rich online applications was to offer scalability and adaptability, and that could meet the demands of startups or house sales businesses. Furthermore, must be familiar with the dashboard's design and the estate management system's plugins.

The web apps were designed to empower people looking for affordable and both expensive houses in various locations, which also come with a Google Map for the client to know where the house is located.


The websites could potentially face challenges in keeping pace with technological advancements, user demands, and the usefulness of AI, which would be great to implement on the website, underscoring the need for continuous updates and enhancements to stay competitive.

Steps Used to Create the Project
I delved into the PHP Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to grasp how data, presentation, and logic are separated, ensuring a clean and organized code structure.
Leveraging the CodeIgniter framework, I constructed the web apps with efficient routing, robust security features, and streamlined database interactions for seamless functionality.
Using Bootstrap 4, CSS3, and jQuery, I made the web apps 100% responsive and multi-device supported, ensuring optimal user experience across various devices and screen sizes.
By adhering to W3C HTML validation standards and writing clean, commented HTML and CSS codes, I ensured the software's maintainability and customization ease for future enhancements. project that it we look like which an PHP Real Estate Management